Friday, January 26, 2007

Guess what finally made it to the market?

20 president ave

Well if anyone wants to relocated just let me know.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

And there was light.

Lights with a place to turn them on and off, what an idea.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007


Well a lot has happened over the past 2 weeks. i found out that; my cousin is expecting (what we aren't quite sure yet she hasn't filled us in. Any time now young lady.), Harper has been with our family now for six whole months, and my dad is finally on his way to becoming retarded ooops I mean retired.

This is what I have been working on in the mean time...

A new color in the 3rd bedroom, you can't see through this one.

The final filler piece in the Kitchen.

Casings and baseboards around the not so new kitchen door.

A ceiling fan that does not have shims sticking out from it to keep it from wiggling.

Another White closet (actually two more white closets the other one didn't photograph to well).

And last but not least. New curtains on the porch.