Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ahhh Christmas Once Again.

We (all six of us) wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We slacked on the holiday cards; there was a little too much going on. We did appreciate the number of cards and pictures that we received, and we can’t believe that all of you guys are as old as you are. (we haven’t aged a bit).

I wanted to show you all some of the fun stuff that Ruby got for Christmas.

This is her most favorite and prized possession now. She always gets this serious face on when wearing it, like she’s about to go out and save the world.

Oops, wrong photo. That was a gift from her aunt Margaret. (I personally love the ears)

She also had an opportunity to hand out gifts dressed as Santa. (she really liked chasing the pompom on the end)

Here is her other most prized possession. Her Octomuck. (not normally worn on the head, but it’s the holiday season and she was being silly)

So Happy Holidays to you all lets not make it another year before we can goof off together.

Love Us

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tips, Warnings, and Funny Stories

Around the holiday season there are many things around the house that aren’t usually present through out the year; wrapping paper, bows, tree ornaments, and ribbons.

I’m not sure how many of you out there have critters that might find all this new stuff quite funny to play with. So here is

The Tip:

Give your pets their Christmas toys early. This will keep them occupied with something new that they are allowed to play with.

The Warning:

If you have cats that think eating ribbon is fun, keep reading.

The Funny Story:

Now because we are in transition the cat box is in the bath tub of the bathroom that I use also. Late last night I was getting ready for bed. I look over and Eddie decided this is a perfect time to stink up the place. Only things don’t appear to be going quite as smoothly as he would like them too. He hops out of the box like something has grabbed him by the tail and looks wildly around. That is when I saw it, the glimmer of a little red shiny thing hanging out from under his tail.

Here is where it gets funny. Picture in your mind the music to Benny Hill (the British comedy show that often runs on PBS) and me and Eddie chasing each other around the bathroom (as small as it is) him with a little red ribbon sticking out of his butt and me with a wad of toilet paper trying to catch it. We played this game for a good 5 to 10 minutes before I was able to tackle him to the ground lift his tail and remove an eight inch piece of ribbon from his bum.

I have been watching to make sure things have been moving smoothly ever since and have put away lots of ribbon in the house.

Happy Holidays!!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The silly antics of Miss Ruby

Well with all the work I’ve been doing, the lack of attention for my sweet little pup and lack of furniture, ruby has taken advantage of my misdirection and taken over the bed (which is now down at her level).

Unfortunately I have to wash my pillowcase now.

In our daily talks (yes I talk to my dog, do you see anyone else in the picture?) I casually mentioned that Ruby was part lab dog, and that her mother was part Labrador retriever. I think she misunderstood me and thought I had said lap dog.

Now you have to understand that the only furniture that allows a lap to be present is a folding camping chair, which is what We are sitting on.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well my house is empty. All my stuff (the polite term) has been packed up.

Now I have to tell you, I have moved quite frequently for the past 7 years. (Hopefully the next 7 won’t be quite as eventful) I have moved (with my husband) from the northeast to the southwest, the southwest to the mid-Atlantic and from the mid-Atlantic back to the northeast. We are now headed from the northeast to the northeast. In all of those moves we have had things broken, dented and lost. This latest move was a piece of cake (don’t tell my husband, he still owes me for having to do it all myself)

The George Arpin and Son’s moving company (yes a shameless plug) was responsible this time. I was really REALLY impressed with the crew they had to do all the packing and moving.

Now I said it was the easiest, but moving is certainly not easy. I’m beat and headed for bed.

Talk to you all later

Love me

Thursday, December 07, 2006

moving and steps

I've been working on my outdoor projects while the weather was nice. Key word here is "was" we are excepting more snow and below average temperatures,

I also wanted to share my new apartment.

Looks cozy doesn't it?

Monday, December 04, 2006

You know that feeling when you get something right?

You get it right the first time, with no leaks?

This is my new pride and joy.

Ok, so it's just some water pipes. The point is I pulled them apart, added a few pieces, and put them back together with no leaks. I was shocked!!!

Season's Greetings

We have had our first snow storm, and oddly enough it came before our first hard frost.

Things are getting done on the house (nothing that would show up in a picture, sorry) at least it looks good in the snow. Maybe we’ll get a couple of feet so all the dog spots in the backyard wont show.

Love me