Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gardening Ford Tough

Now I'm not one to use tools the proper way that they were intended. These Yew bushes were planted too close to the house and were causing the siding to collect mildew.

So I removed them.

Using the Car.

It was lots of fun.

So in there place I planted; peppers, lavender, basil, oregano and catnip.
And yes that is the Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter hanging in the corner, it seems to be working fine.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fan tastic

OK i think i have an over fascination or love of ceiling fans. Being able to flip a switch and have cool air flowing is one of my favorite things. I really do love them. We had 3 in the other house and there were a few here when we moved in. There was however none in the living room.

So figuring that I was going to gut the first floor (at some point in the future) i thought well i'll poke a hole in the ceiling, put in a fan bracket and hang a ceiling fan to help with the summer heat. So i measured out the center of the room (there was no fixture hanging in the living room) and started to make the hole to insert the fan bracket. And what did i find? A circuit box, complete with energized wires. (not the best thing to have in an enclosed ceiling)

So my little brain thought, now what? My answer? Put it off. I have decided to wait to deal with that mess until we gut the first floor. I measured over to find a new hole for the ceiling fan, installed the bracket and hung the fan. It is powered through an extension cord that is plugged into a wall outlet (for now anyway). We now have cool air in the living room. Have i mentioned that i love this thing? 60 inch blades, two light sources, three speeds (which reverse for winter time use) and an increased blade angle to push more air. It really is the small things in life that make me the happiest.