I need you all to pray to the Real Estate Gods that the people that are looking at my house this weekend will want to buy it. Now as you know I'm not much for praying, but I thought it couldn't hurt at this point. The Real Estate Gods are; the one in the upper right corner in the voguing pose wearing a towel, and the creepy crawly guy with horns in the upper left corner (agents often take both forms seemingly at will)
I have everything I can think of "crossed". Unfortunetly, I can't work that way. So, I'll take it easy for a while.
I hope something happens soon. Love MOM
Good luck Jenny, my prayers have been sent...
St. Joseph can help.
We'll see if we can pull some strings.
-Andy, Kristin, and Ellie
I think the creepy guy with horns sold me my townhouse in Boulder, in which case, he owes me one. I'll see what I can do.
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