Just kidding. I have my feet firmly planted on the ground. My head? Well that's another story.

This is my new summer-time sunshine reflecting coat. You see because my back is black (well mostly) I over heat a lot in the summer time when the suns out, and that keeps me inside even on the most beautiful of days. Now I have my snazzy new coat to keep that sunshine at bay.
It looks great Ruby, I am glad you have it to keep cool. Now you can run and play. Are you giving one to Ernie? Love Popo
Ruby, I think you need a bedazzler.
Believe it or not I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-hee-hee!
I love your new coat - but I hope you are being careful. You remember what Edna Mode said about capes! Just think of what happened to Dynaguy, Thunderhead, Stratogale, and Metaman. No capes, dahling!
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