Ok, so in trying to fix the wall I had to come up with a way to hold the wall together without having to stand there for an hour and a half while the epoxy sets up.

I kept walking all over the house looking for things to make this work. Ruby must have thought I had lost my mind. This didn’t bode well for her since she is still caged and wouldn’t even have been able to eat my lifeless corpse after I ran amuck with the screw gun.
Don’t worry I haven’t gone mad, yet.

That was really a smart idea. I know it is hard to have to do all the work alone. I'll try to come down in November. See you on Thursday. Love MOM
Wow, it is like you are MacGyver or something. Would you make me a jet pack next? I have a spare piece of chewing gum...
You must be related to McGiver, pretty slick finding the things you need to make it work.
See you Sat.
Love Edna
Thanks Janet,
I couldn't remember how to spell MacGyver.
Edna, I thought you and my mom were sharing the brain... weird!
Oh, Janet, We do share lots but we have twice the brain, Ha,Ha,. Jen you do act like MacGyver, can you build a shopping mall? And thanks, Janet, I didn't know how to spell MacGyver either. Love you Jen and the rest of you guys.
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