The last photo that was taken of her was taken for our group Christmas card last year. Although, now that I think about it I should have saved these photos for the card. Oh well, enjoy your Christmas Wednesday early.

Here is a special shout out to Wilson, her first love.

Well I know what Wednesday will be on Halloween. "Tuesday". What will she be the day after tomorrow? Thursday? She is cute and I can't wait until she moves up here and I get to take care of her. Love MOM
Of course I want Eddie and Nora too.
Forget Wilson.....Wednesday needs to try the FFE (Full Floyd Experience)
Le Meow, Le Purrrrrr.
Dear Wilson,
I know it's been a while since we've spoken. And I'm sure you've moved on since our last time together. I've moved on too.
I just wanted to say, "Hi", and hoped that you were alright.
Sincerely, Wednesday
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